Understanding The Rule Of 72

The rule of 72 is an awesome little formula and a constant reminder that my actions today will have a tremendous impact on the future version of me when it comes to investing and saving. ⁣

While I can’t (necessarily) control the rate of return on my investments, I can control how much I invest each month. The earlier you can invest in life, the better chance you have at growing a large amount of money for retirement. ⁣

If you have debt (mortgage not included) work to pay that off first. The rule of 72 works for debt as well but in the opposite direction. You’re actually investing in your future when you pay off debt. ⁣

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Nate Zeisler is the Dean for Community Initiatives at the Colburn School in Los Angeles. He envisions a world where students majoring in the arts have a clear path to a sustainable career, where creative minds are empowered and inspired to rule the workforce, and where access to the arts is not just for the privileged few, but for all.

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